Innovative Solutions to Significant Legal and Business Challenges

Over 30 Years of Experience

Revital Kerem provides comprehensive legal services to address personal and business issues.
Planning and structuring creative solutions to complement client's specific needs.
Deep knowledge of companies, contracts, trusts, succession, real estate, marital arrangements, and cooperative law.
Multidisciplinary Expertise
Successions, Wills and Trusts
Planning and administrating estates, trusts, charities and gifts, including the preparation of wills and additional documents. Revital Kerem has expertise in structuring arrangements for family businesses, preservation of family wealth and transfers to future generations.
Her innovative solutions draw on her extensive knowledge and experience across various legal fields, including companies, cooperatives, succession, marital arrangements and trusts laws.
Business Law and Finance
Revital Kerem provides experienced counseling to business professionals, including planning and designing innovative business models and partner relationships.
Revital Kerem engages in business formation and ongoing advice, including counseling on regulatory matters and working with governmental bodies. She possesses experience in a wide array of commercial law, corporate law, real estate, securities, anti-laundry and banking.
International Planning
Revital Kerem provides legal advice to business professionals and corporations, domestic and foreign, on entering international business activity.
The legal service includes planning and implementing structures for cross-border business activities and trusts.
Commercial Litigation
Revital Kerem handles complex legal disputes involving corporate, contract, land, trust, estate, and inheritance issues.
She uses her comprehensive and diverse experience to provide her clients with practical and creative solutions.
עריכת צוואה
צוואה היא מסמך המאפשר לאדם לקבוע כיצד יחולקו הנכסים והרכוש שלו לאחר מותו. טבעי לדחות את העיסוק בהכנת צוואה לעתיד, אבל המציאות היא שאירועים בלתי צפויים עלולים לקרות בכל גיל. קיומה של צוואה יכול לתת שקט נפשי, וניתן לעדכן אותה לאורך החיים בהתאם לשיקולים המשתנים.
הסברה כי צוואה נחוצה רק לאנשים להם נכסים בהיקף משמעותי מאוד היא טעות נפוצה. צוואה יכולה להיות חשובה כדי לצמצם סכסוכים עתידיים בין הילדים ולהבטיח את יורשיכם הקטינים.
למשרדנו נסיון רב בליווי פרטים וזוגות בתהליכי עריכת צוואות.
Lasting Powers of Attorney
A lasting power of attorney is a new legal tool. It permits a person to arrange in advance the management of their affairs if and when his or her decision-making ability will be weakened due to aging, injury, or disease.
Adv. Kerem was qualified by the Administrator General to draw lasting powers of attorney.
Legal Formulation of LGBT Relationships and Families
The legal status of same-sex couples and families in Israel requires unique solutions and tools. Attorney Revital Kerem sensitively assists LGBT individuals, couples, and families in legally regulating and validating their families and relationships, as well as preserving and passing on their wealth to future generations.
Adv. Kerem advises clients on a variety of significant life events, including financial agreements, marriages, divorces, adoptions, parenting, wills, and inheritances.

כיצד נוכל לעזור לך?
Amot Investments Tower, 6th Floor Weizmann St. 2, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel 6423902